produced by Theater Ninjas
conceived by & starring Ray Caspio
directed by Jeremy Paul
original compositions, arrangements & accompaniment by Eric M. C. Gonzalez
contributing creators & performers (2014) Katie Beck, Valerie C. Kilmer, Ryan Lucas, Dan Rand & Amy Schwabauer
contributing creators & performers (2015) Ryan Lucas, Michael Prosen & Amy Schwabauer

Theater Ninjas’ original production, TingleTangle, was an evening of personal storytelling, sketches, songs, and conversations about sexuality, marriage equality, the many angles of oppression, and the power of compassion. It reveled in the nuances of identity and how we all use performance to communicate our truest selves to the world.

A faithfully updated version of the production returned in June 2015 to sold out crowds, poignantly closing the day marriage equality was fully legalized nationwide.

lighting design by Ben Gantose (2014) & Franny Gallagher (2015)
costumes by Kevenn T. Smith
stage managed by Kaitlin Kelly (2014) & Franny Gallagher (2015)
assistant stage managed by Christina Dennis (2014)

performed at Guide to Kulchur (October-November 2014) & Maria Neil Art Project (June 2015)
photos by Frank J. Lanza Photography, courtesy of Theater Ninjas