Put a Web On It by Kevenn T. Smith
My local comic book shop holds an annual auction of art created by customers in the form of comic book covers to raise money for the Cleveland Food Bank. In 2022, the theme was "Spider-verse," and my entry depicted Beyoncé as Spider-Woman. I even came up with a glittery logo that said "Spider-Bey" for that version that was sold at the auction. And while that version will always remain unique, I'm now offering prints, t-shirts, stickers, hoodies, and other merchandise with a logo-less version of the artwork at my Redbubble store.
Right now, from July 10 2023 to July 17th 2023, everything on the Redbubble webstore is 20% off! No code needed! Click on the image below to go to its page at the store.Put a Web On It: Kevenn's Redbubble Store Page"Put a Web On It" by Kevenn T. Smith
Digital Illustration
©2023 Kevenn T. Smith